Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hills Like White Elephants

Hills Like White Elephants

 In the short story “Hills Like White Elephants”, (link) we can simply tell how the man is forcing the women to have an abortion. The woman does not really want to do it, but she will do it because she does not want to disappoint the man. She is afraid that if she does not do it, the man will probably dump her and look for a different person. The man pretends to care, yet it can be seen by the way the narrator describes the story that he really wants her to do it. He knows that having a baby will bring lots of responsibilities and will not allow him to live a crazy life. This can be described when he says they can have and do everything they want as they did back in  the day.

This is a clear example of real life. Nowadays, people engage in relationships with the wrong person. At the beginning of the relationship everything is just perfect and romantic.  Men behave so well to women; they promise they would move heaven and earth for them.  So do women, they are very faithful and good to men. Because of the love story they supposedly live, they get into sexual activity without the use of effective contraception. This leads to an unintended pregnancy. In comparison to the the man in the story, either part of the relationship decides that abortion is the best option to make things as they were in the past. But what would happen if the other part does not feel that abortion is the right decision to make? In most cases, they decide to do it because they want to satisfy the other person. Perhaps they are just as afraid as the woman in the story to do what they feel that is right because they might end up being alone. I personally think that people should not have to do things they do not want to in life. It does not really matter what happens at the end because people who really love you, would be with you in good and bad times. Therefore, it is better to let go people who are not an asset to your life. It would be certainly harmful at first, but it would be definitely worthy at the end.

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