Thursday, November 7, 2019

We Real Cool

We Real Cool (link)

Brooks conveys the message behind the poem using 7 pool players. The first lines suggest that these guys are supposedly having the prime time of their lives because they left school. The following lines “We lurk late. We strike straight” can be understood as the negative things done by them. Towards the end of the poem the author explains that the guys do not mind getting into sex and alcohol despite being something inappropriate at their young age. The last line “We Die soon” represents that a lifestyle like the one they decided to have can completely destroy their lives.

This poem reminds me of the consequences young people face when they do not make right decisions. I have known many students who are not really interested in learning or building a career to become successful in the future. Even though they have the support of their parents and all the resources they need to succeed in life, they prefer to live “a fun life” rather than studying. Most of the time, they waste their time and do not think about the future they would like to live. If they drop out of school, they do it just to go out with friends, to party, or to get into groups where they supposedly feel accepted. They do not realize that in the long run these actions will lead them to failure, disappointments in life, or their own death.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner

This poem was so difficult to grasp out at first. I admit that I did not know what a Ball Turret was which made my understanding of the poem a bit difficult. After I did my research, I got more insights on what the poem really meant.

In the beginning, the author explains how he was separated from his mom in order to serve to the states (Air force). He also describes how dangerous it was to be placed in the ball turret (that glass bubble of a bomber aircraft). The author explains that being in that specific place does not guarantee whether you will survive or not. The ball turret gunners are with nothing else but a gun. They are ready to fight the enemies and to kill whoever is around them to survive. At the end, if the ball turret gunner dies, it is just replaced by another one, and everything continues being the same.

I believe this poem may be really sad for many people because of the meaning it has. It provides information about the hardships people in the Arm forces go through which will make it hard to read for those who relate to it.

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

In his poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud," (link) William Wordsworth explains some of the wonders nature has to offer to the people when he mentions the daffodils, trees, lake, and bay. In the beginning, the author compares himself to a cloud; he obviously does it to express that he feels well being away from people. At the end, he describes the fulfillment he finds when interacting with nature, in this case when dancing with the daffodils.

 This poem reminds me of how much I love interacting with nature. Every time I feel sad and thoughtful, I try to find a spot where I can be alone. I love going for a walk outside because I can feel the breeze and be surrounded by trees and flowers. This helps me to forget about my responsibilities and problems as well. It also relaxes me and exhilarates me to keep on moving forward. Nature definitely gives me the hope that no matter what happens everything will be alright.